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If you are unable to attend our 10am Sunday service in person, please join us online either on our Website or on Facebook.


January Sermon Series: “Give Us Three Weeks”

We continue our “Give Us Three Weeks” series. The sermon series focuses on the basic understanding that Jesus Christ is the solution to the issues, struggles, and problems of the world. As Adam Hamilton says, “Jesus Christ is the solution to the deepest longings of the human heart.” By creating new creations, Jesus changes the world by changing people, creating a kingdom that spreads throughout the world. In the first part, Pastor Jiyeon will share a message, “Why Do People Need Jesus?”

For more information about this series, click HERE.

Heroes of the Faith

February-March Sermon Series: “Heroes of the Faith”

We begin our “Heroes of the Faith” series on February 16. Heroes aren't just found in comic books and blockbuster movies—they exist in real life too. These are people whose courage, strength, and resilience serve as models for our own lives. In this sermon series, we will explore three remarkable heroes from the Old Testament. Their willingness to listen to God’s voice and act on it inspires us to do the same.

For more information about this series, click HERE.

New Bible Study

Do you want to learn more about Deborah, Rahab, and Esther? Join Pastor Jiyeon for deeper exploration and discussion based on her Sunday message. The Bible Study will meet on Tuesdays (2/18, 2/25, 3/4) at 10 am in the library and virtually on Wednesdays (2/19, 2/26) and Tuesday (3/4) at 7 pm. No reading assignment. A sign-up sheet is available in the narthex.

Upcoming Events

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras (French for “Fat Tuesday”) will be celebrated on Sunday, February 23, after the 10 am worship, in the Fellowship Hall.

Picture of woman receiving ashes; Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Service

The Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5. There will be a 7 pm worship in the sanctuary with the imposition of ashes.

Senior Adult Program “Phishing and Vishing”

Join us on Wednesday, March 12, at 10:30 AM for an important presentation on online safety by Bob Humphreys. Learn how to recognize and protect yourself from common scams like phishing and vishing, and gain valuable tips for staying secure in today’s digital world.

Vacation Bible School 2025

Children ages 4 (by June 30, potty-trained) through rising 6th graders are invited to a fun and engaging experience, on June 23-27. Registration opens in February.

Jeremiah Project 2025

A week-long summer mission trip for Junior and Senior High School students will be on Sunday, July 20 thru Saturday, July 26, in Romney, West Virginia. Spots are limited. For more information or to join the team, contact Chris Neidecker, Missions Team Leader and JP Coordinator.

Our Vision

A world where all experience that they are loved

The mission of Wesley Church is to share our love for God and for all people in everything we do. We will continue to Welcome all, Encourage all, Grow together, and Live what we learned, until everyone in this world experiences that they are loved.

And we want to do this with you. We are looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Current Sermon

Come As You Are!

Sunday Worship at 10:00 am
In-Person & Online

(703) 938-8700
711 Spring St SE, Vienna, VA

Sketch of Wesley UMC

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