Children’s Sunday School meets in-person each Sunday. Children ages 4 through 5th grade may join us in room 102 downstairs. The Nursery is available for children 3 and under. Click HERE to register for Sunday School 2023-2024. Please note, if your child is currently attending Sunday School, please complete a registration form.
Nursery: Our professionally staffed Nursery provides care for children ages infant through 3 years during our 10:00 worship service. We love to have little ones in our services, and truly don’t mind the various “joyful noises” they produce. But if your child would be happier playing with fun toys, please know that our our Nursery, located in room 105 (just below the Sanctuary), is always ready for your little one!
Vacation Bible School: We can’t wait for VBS! Wesley offers VBS for children ages 4 through rising 5th grade for an exciting week of song, laughter, games, bible discovery, and surprises. To receive VBS email updates and announcements, send email to
Holiday Celebrations: We are always excited about holidays! We celebrate our Lord’s resurrection on Easter Sunday with brunch, worship, and traditional egg hunt. During Advent, we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth with special Sunday School lessons and a family Christmas Eve service.
Next Generation Ministries Brouchure For more information, see our Next Generation Ministries Brochure.
Family Mission Opportunities:
- Power Pack Program: This intergenerational activity invites families to help prepare Power Packs of non-perishable food and beverages for needy Vienna-area elementary school children.
- Wesley’s Annual Coat Drive: Each November, Wesley collects donations of coats and sweaters for homeless and needy people in Northern Virginia. There are many ways for children and their parents to help with this intergenerational mission.
- Kits for Conference: Each June, our Sunday School classes contribute school supplies to create school kits, which the United Methodist Committee on Relief delivers to school children in need, in the USA and abroad.
Calendar being updated. Please check back.