Advent and Christmas Sermon Series: “Close to Home”
When something hits close to home, it profoundly affects us. During Advent and Christmas, we explore scriptures that reflect our longing for God to draw near. The “Close to Home” theme captures the tension of our faith—Emmanuel is with us, yet God’s promised day is not fully realized. May we find comfort in God’s presence, create a sanctuary for those far from home, and embrace joy, hope, and courage this season.
December 1 – “Homesick” (Communion Sunday)
Scripture: Luke 21:25-36 & 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
As we start Advent with Luke 21’s “Little Apocalypse,” we recognize our sense of displacement in a broken world. Many feel lost and isolated, yearning for wholeness. In our longing, we await God, who brings hope to our homesick hearts.
December 8 – “Laying the Foundation”
Scripture: Luke 1:57-80 & Philippians 1:3-11
John the Baptist’s miraculous birth foreshadows his vital role in Jesus’ story. As Zechariah praises God’s mercy and envisions a hopeful future for John, we reflect on making space in our lives for God’s blessings to manifest.
December 15 – “A Home for All”
Scripture: Luke 3:1-18 & Zephaniah 3:14-20
John the Baptist’s message may seem harsh, but he calls for a home where inequities are eliminated and everyone can thrive. His joyful vision urges us to build a welcoming kin-dom for all, with a large table that has room for everyone.
December 22 – “Seeking Sanctuary”
Scripture: Luke 1:39-55 & Luke 1:46b-55
After receiving the angel’s news, Mary retreats to Elizabeth and Zechariah’s home for safety and support. This sanctuary allows her to prepare for her new calling and become a home for God. Sanctuary is where God’s love dwells freely and abundantly.
December 24 – “Invited Home” (Christmas Eve Traditional Service)
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20
Mary and Joseph are displaced when they find no room in the inn, but a humble space is made for Jesus’ birth. Born without an invitation, Jesus welcomes the outcasts, reminding us that Christmas calls us to find home despite barriers.
December 29 – “Chosen Home”
Scripture: Luke 2:41-52 & Colossians 3:12-17
Home is where we find authentic belonging. In this story, Jesus pursues his education in the Temple after the Passover festival, engaging with Rabbis and asking questions. Just as he claims his space, we all need chosen homes—people and places that welcome us as we are.
January 5 – “Home By Another Way” – (Epiphany Sunday, Communion Sunday & Wesley Covenant Service)
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
Jesus, chose to return “by another way” (Matthew 2:1-12). This sermon in our “Close to Home” series explores how meeting Christ leads us to a new direction—away from the world’s temptations and toward a life of transformation, obedience, and deeper faith. Following Jesus often means changing course and going home by a different way.