Summer Sermon Series II: Like a Child

Jesus’ saying in Matthew 18:3, “Unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (NRSV),” is often mentioned in the Children’s Ministry to encourage everyone to welcome little children. Through his life and ministry, Jesus taught and showed what it means to be like a child and what it looks like to be like a child. This sermon series is based on children’s storybooks loved in various periods at different places. Intertwining with a well-known biblical passage, each storybook teaches us our Christian values and helps us to be “like a child” regardless of our age. Let us remember that God calls us God’s children.

August 14 – “Like a Child: Have You Filled a Bucket Today?”

Scripture: Matthew 18:1-5 (NRSV)

Jesus says in Matthew 18:3, “Unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” The storybook “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids,” written by Carol McCloud, teaches us about kindness, a part of the fruit of the Spirit, and its power in our life and ministry. This sermon emphasizes Wesley UMC’s missional works, tangible ministry of kindness, and generosity for others and God’s world.

August 21 – “Like a Child: I Am Enough”

Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:45-47 (NRSV)

As the new school year starts for FCPS the next day, this sermon will focus on courage – that we all will need. Newness causes anxiety for everyone of all ages. The storybook “I Am Enough,” written by Grace Byers, and David’s story as a courageous shepherd boy teach us that we don’t look the same, but God has a purpose for each one of us beyond our imagination. This sermon will encourage us to courageously face our life and reality because we are enough.

August 28 – “Like a Child: Giving Tree”

Scripture: John 6:1-13 (NRSV)

Giving Tree, written by Shel Silverstein, is one of Pastor Jiyeon’s favorite storybooks from her childhood. The giving tree has remained in her heart since then and helped her to grow up as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The tree, like our God, teaches us God’s love which gave up the only Son’s life, and our child-like heart that comes back to the tree over and over again whatever happens in our lives. This sermon encourages all of us to come back to God who is always there for us, loves us, cares for us, and gives us all God has.

September 4 – “Like a Child: Little Red Riding Hood”

Scripture: John 3:1-15 (NRSV)

Holy Communion will be served during the service

The young girl in Little Red Riding Hood shows her pure heart in believing in a wolf and risking herself and her grandmother. The story tells us what to believe and whom to believe as Jesus’ disciples. Disciples understand that the Son of Man came down and the reality of this warrants a new focus on life. Jesus called this being born again. Nicodemus struggled with this idea. We can be the same because we like that which we can control and fully understand. But being a disciple means trusting in this same Jesus and embracing a new level of spiritual living that he has come to bring to us.

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