Sermon Archive

God With Us (and manger scene)

Give Us Three Weeks

“Give Us Three Weeks” encourages our visitors and nominal members to return and give us three weeks beginning on January 12 to hear why they should invest in the Christian faith as we answer the questions: Why do people need Jesus Christ? Why do people need “the Church”? and Why do people need this Church?

February 2 – Why Do People Need the Church?
(Postponed from January 19)

Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-25 & Acts 2:42-47

Rev. Thomas James is our guest speaker this Sunday.

“I believe in Jesus, I just don’t believe in institutional church…” We have heard that quote before. Why do we need to be in worship together, in community, and in fellowship? This week, we will answer this question!

Sketch of Wesley UMC

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