Sermon Archive
Our Lenten Sermon Series “Unnamed” invites us to meet those who met Jesus and whose names were not recorded in the gospel. Their encounter with Jesus changed their lives. Because they realized God’s love for them, they found hope and light that the world did not give. Therefore, even if the world does not remember our names, we can still believe that we are loved by our God. The life and ministry of Jesus Christ prove that we are enormously loved by God. In this season of Lent, let us meet our Christ and experience the love of God that changes our minds, hearts, and lives.
April 2 – Palm Sunday – “Unnamed: Hosanna, Save Us!”
When Jesus, our King, enters Jerusalem, the crowd shouts “Hosanna,” which means save us. The crowd knows their long-waited king, who shows as their humble king riding on the donkey. Like the crowd welcoming their king, we also shout “Hosanna” toward Jesus Christ, who comes to save us.