Sermon Archive

God With Us (and manger scene)

Hope is Alive!

Easter is not a single day of celebration. The fifty days between Easter and Pentecost are celebrated as a great feast to see the real hope that Jesus’ resurrection brought to the world. This seven-week sermon series delves deep into the implications of Jesus’ resurrection and explores the hope that we can experience through Christ who is alive.

April 21 – “Return to Hope”

Scripture: John 21:1-14

This Sunday, Jiyun Choi “JC,” our Seminarian Intern, will share a message, “Return to Hope,” based on the story of Jesus’ appearance to his disciples on the beach. The service includes a time to dedicate Preschool Devo-kit for our preschoolers so that they can find God’s presence in their daily family lives. Following the service, everyone is invited to UWF’s Spring Tea Party in the Fellowship Hall. Crafts for children will be available during the tea party.

Sketch of Wesley UMC

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