Sermon Archive

God With Us (and manger scene)

Fall Sermon Series: Recreation

Step into a journey of profound spiritual renewal with our sermon series, “Recreation.” This five-week sermon series shows us God’s mighty work to recreate us through five specific channels – the Spirit, history, calling, connections, and empathy. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and uplifted as we delve into these five channels of God’s remarkable recreation. Join us each week as we embark on this transformative learning and growing journey, and invite your friends and family to experience the power of God’s recreation alongside you.

September 17 – “Recreation: Through Calling”


Some are centered around becoming more educated and focused as laity while some are centered around serving the church as clergy by becoming a licensed local pastor or ordained as an elder or deacon. Our new Seminarian Intern will share her calling story to God’s ministry as an ordained elder.

Sketch of Wesley UMC

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