Sermon Archive

Series - New Beginnings
Without exception, we look for a new normal and a new life after over 2.5 years of battle with the global pandemic. The new school year has started, and a new season is just around the corner. Wesley Day reminds us of a new church season to kick off and resume our fellowship and ministries after the long summer season. With this Worship Series, let us get excited about God’s great plan for our spiritual growth as individuals and the church.
New Beginnings: New Creation in Christ – September 18, 2022
Anybody who has a clean slate? This message teaches us that we are neither perfect nor flawless, but we all can become a new creation in Christ. Jesus Christ, our Savior, invites all to be new with Christ. Christ doesn’t ask us about our past; instead, Christ embraces all of us, even our sinful and broken past. This is a message of hope. This is also the doctrine of new birth. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, defines the new birth as “the great work God does in us.” Let us explore deeply what it means to be a new creation in Christ.