Sermon Archive

Series - A Disciple's Path
A Disciple’s Path – Disciples Pray Humbly and Aggressively – October 23, 2022
The words humble and aggressive don’t typically go together, but I find that they do adequately describe a disciple’s prayer. On the one hand, we begin with the conviction that it is not about me, and that when it comes to prayer, I am entirely dependent upon God’s power over mine.
And yet I am also to pray aggressively. I can claim God’s promises and the Scriptures call me to pray boldly and without ceasing. I can be the persistent widow appealing to the judge, and I can pray confidently for healing for someone, even if that healing doesn’t always come as I would like. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. A disciple’s prayer, like Jesus’, is an aggressive prayer grounded in humility.