Sermon Archive

Series - A Disciple's Path
A Disciple’s Path – Disciples Are Transformed By Worship – November 6, 2022
This week has two goals for the worship and sermon time. First, to simply remind our congregation of the fundamentals of worship, the primary fact being that disciples don’t come to worship to be entertained or to hear a performance. Each of us must engage spiritually, physically, and mentally in the acts of worship toward God.
But secondly, we will highlight the benefits of a lifetime and lifestyle of worshipping Jesus. So often, we are trying to make changes in our lives. If we are honest, we might see that many of our problems, whether they are relationships, money, food, alcohol, or others, are really due to a wrong sense of worship. We have allowed those things to take priority in our lives over Jesus. Transformation begins when we shift our life focus from those things to the one who desires to be the Lord over all.